睇咗杜琪峰的文雀後對電影裡的幾樣野印象深刻第一喺那出色的配樂由法國配樂大師Xavier Jamaux與Fred Avril操刀。第二樣野就喺杜琪峰娜手的將港島的一些舊區拍得非常之美我唔喺好確定不過應該是中上環,灣仔與銅鑼灣一帶。真的拍得非常之美與懷舊香港旅遊局應將呢部片做旅遊推廣。最後一樣令我印象深刻就係任達華囉住部Rolleiflex同Leica周圍影相由其部Rolleiflex TLR非常型仔搞到我心痕痕想整翻部TLR嚟玩下但奈何Rolleiflex實在負擔不起。
直到上星期見網友Stella囉部Blackbird Fly出嚟晒我的"欲"火終於按捺不著而四處訪尋Blackbird Fly的芳蹤.最後在Bukit Bintang Plaza的Basheer卑我搵到一部。
Blackbird Fly是一部廉價TLR機身是塑膠製造而只得兩個光圈可算f/7與f/11而且焦距是手動的要自己計算是部全手動相機。拍出的效果是與Lomo相機相同會有"缺陷美"的因而大受玩家歡迎。
oh... ur BBF is bought from Basheer??
nvr tot tat basheer got selling this~
post all ur pics share with us in
forum la! hope to c more from u ^^
jus wondering... how u scan ur pics?
because looks a bit blur...?!
and very nice to meet u
Hi Edmund,
Yeah Basheer have more selection as per last friday I saw they have full set Diana F+ Deluxe Kit, LCA+, Holga120 with 35mm holder and some Japanese toy camera using 110 film oh yes they have Holga pin hole as well.
I ask the shop to scan for me and some of the blur blur I cheat la using Picasa 3 to do post editing but I want to try to scan the film myself once I go back to office using scanner :)
I will try to post more of my pics la >.<
oh... ic ic...
u edited with picasa a bit...
no wonder the pics look a big different jor...
now only i know basheer is selling so many cameras, sounds cool ^^
will drop by t basheer n take a look
thanks for sharing ya ^^
and will stay tune more pics from ur bbf ^^
will do bro but i am trying to hunt some B&W 135 for my next try :)
u looking for 135 b&w??
my area got selling ^^
but not sure he selling pure b&w or C-41 b&w...
this friday i going back to KL,
i can ask for u ^^
thx in advance bro
can i ask how much u buy?
i wanted to buy it but there's a Singapore blog written about $193.Does it need such a high price???
Its cheaper in SG then because I bought it at RM465.00 its not expensive consider Lomo Lubitel 166+ is about 1K plus
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