在讀MBA時對教授講的branding之類的話題只是一知本解﹐知D吾知D但近年因自己易兼顧Marketing 同Business Development的關係對這題目有深一些的認識。
因對科技產品的熱愛這幾年不只花了好多錢在這方面但易花些時間去了解一些相關的business issues.這幾年Apple自從Steve Jobs歸來後大發神威不只將這間老牌個人電腦生產商從即將關門的厄運扭轉而且還將之轉為一間可以呼風玩雨以media為基楚的巨人。Apple在entertainment & media方面借助iPod與iTunes訴引起revolution層一道直逼這些行業的業者的生存空間。
今年年頭Steve Jobs再次用同一技量想向電訊界開刀﹐他宣報iPhone的誕生之後整個media industry到Apple fans就一即對之向往。無論iPhone成功在電訊界份杯羹與否,但iPhone本身的Design與Specs都以將整個手提電話的concept來個翻天覆地的改變。
Apple到今時今日以不是一間電腦公司這麼簡單它以成一個有史以來最成功的品牌就連90's紅極一時的Sony與之相比易見失色可層Sony今時今日之是fight for survival.
講了這麼多長篇大論只是想話我到被Apple或更直接是被Steve Jobs的感染而買了部iPhone......我其實是anti branding的我是喜歡用無印良品(Muji)的。。。hahahaha
wow! Share with me and let me check it out next time ya! :D
This is something i saw on internet as an interactive web in Mar/Apr this year. Seems to be the 'Total Solutions' to multifunction portable gadget.
Will ask you to demo it when we meet!
Hi Stan....its not exactly the "total solution" yet...just it revolutionized the handphone design or to be more accurate Steve Jobs "reinvent the wheel"...hahaha....sorry guys I decided to sell it off today bcos it cant make call at the moment its just a very expensive Ipod.
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